Thermography vs Mammogram

A couple weeks ago I went in for a Breast Thermogram.  It’s a very simple test to check for breast cancer.  My doctor recommends this type of breast cancer screening.  It’s safe and easy.  There’s no radiation and absolutely no pain.

Here’s an excert from Utah Thermography, LLC about how Thermography works:

‘…Thermology is a passive and functional type of study, unlike radiology (X-ray). This means thermology does NOT use any form of ionizing radiation (such as does X-ray) as it evaluates the features of activity and operations of distinct areas of the body. The equipment we use (an infrared thermograph camera) makes tens-of-thousands detailed measurements of skin temperature at a distance of five to eight feet. The images produced are really electronic data of absolute temperature measurements that can be viewed as an electronic image presenting a spectrum of colors that indicate increased or decreased levels of infrared radiation (heat) being emitted from the body’s surface.

Currently, the most utilized breast cancer screening imaging techniques are ultrasound and mammography. Because they detect the presence of a physical mass, they are classified as anatomical tests. They are interpreted by radiologists.

Breast thermography detects patterns of heat produced from the increased circulation produced by abnormal metabolic activity in cancer cells. Thus, thermography is a physiological test that detects changes in the breast tissue that have been shown to correlate with the presence of cancer or pre-cancerous states.

Advantages of Breast Thermography:

• Safe, easy, and pain free
• No radiation exposure
• Differentiates between fibrocystic breast disease and tumor                      • No compression of breast tissue
• Detects changes in breast tissue that accompany the smallest of tumors
• Entire breast can be imaged
• Useful for evaluating chest wall after surgery
• Effective for breasts of all sizes
• Effectively and safely screens breasts with implants
• Creates opportunities for early intervention…’

I’ve had a good experience with this testing and believe it is a very good option to the traditional mammograms.

If you live in Utah and are close to the Wasatch front, I recommend Kelly Wobrock at Utah Termography, LLC.  For more information and to contact her visit




